Sunday 11 December 2016

does xp is really vulnerable?

does xp is really vulnerable?

Tech writers went mad in saying XP is not secure but truth is something different.
 Not only softpedia but also Zdnets and others also in full form to insult XP.
There are few millions of exploit kit in black markets which effect vista and up but cannot do anything with 2000/XP/2003.
Few months ago Korean hackers found vulnerabilities in dwmapi but Microsoft still now not patched knowing it . Dwmapi exists in Vista and up systems not in XP . This vulnerability is used by hundreds of cryptologers to get into pc . More over Kernel32 function FLSALLOC (Exists in vista and up system) found vulnerable but still now it is not patched by Microsoft over 8 years.
One of My XP pc there is no antivirus  still now i have not faced any virus but my windows 7 laptop with Norton internet security got infected 8 time in year.
As per this there is no vulnerability for xp found in 2016 .
as per this test windows xp not in top 15 places .
According to the U.S. National Vulnerability Database, there were three new Windows XP Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) discovered from April to December 2014, one new CVE discovered in 2015, and none so far in 2016.
Compare that to Windows 7, which had 30 new CVEs discovered April-December 2014, 147 new CVEs in all of 2015 (no doubt thanks to Microsoft's "Get Windows 10 App" nagware), and 126 new CVEs so far in 2016.
Windows 7 and up systems your privacy is going to hell due to some nsa backdoors and some updates introduced by Microsoft read more here
Even Windows Server 2003 quite same to xp is less vulnerable than debian linux . As xp and 2003 are patched for decades . \
My recommendation for XP users:-
*Apply Posready 2009 update tricks . XP sp3 and posready2009 uses same kernel so there is no problem
*Keep your all sense open because user is the biggest vulnerability which cannot be patched